Sunday, January 25, 2009


There is a woman I work with who embodies who I hope to become one day. She is amazing. Dedicated mother, supportive wife, honest, loyal, optimistic, and joyous are just some of her qualities. I'll admit that lately I have not quite liked myself. I have noticed that I have maybe fallen a little below the woman I used to be. I truly have been blessed to be working with her. She has motivated me to be a better person, a better member of the church, a better wife, a better example to those around me. I have a stronger desire to make a difference, to serve others. She truly is a wonderful person. I want her to know, if she ever happens to read this, that I appreciate her in my life. Thank you for being an example to me. Thank you for all you do and don't ever think you go unnoticed. You are appreciated.


The Bowldens said...

thats really sweet allie. i wish i could be a better example to you, my kids and my husband. i think you are wonderful, but you do need to be a bit more positive. i know life gets stressful and its hard to be optimistic, but you always get me through thought times with your optimism... so just use it on yourself =)

Anonymous said...

Allie, whoever this is about, they are blessed and lucky to have you as a friend. Thanks for sharing this.

Ashley Taylor said...

AWWW, you shouldn't have....
I appreciate the compliment