Tuesday, August 31, 2010


So I have decided, on my own, that Remee has Reflux. Seriously this kids spits up more than I have ever seen, and she's kinda fussy when she eats. So I researched online about it and just figured that that was what she has. So I bought this great stuff called Colic Calm. It's all natural ingredients, and helps with the effects of colic, gas, and reflux. Let me just tell you... it freakin works. She went from wearing a bib all day long and spitting up constantly to not wearing a bib at all and maybe she spits up like twice a day. What a freakin relief. I'm glad she's a happier baby. If you have this same problem... buy this stuff. It's guaranteed to work.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

We're back!

After a much anticipated couple of months, Remee and I took a visit to my sister's house in Washington and then to Portland, OR for a cousin's wedding. We went to the fair and saw a newborn calf. Not kidding... this guy behind us is only 1 day old!
The weather was hot the first couple of days in Washington, and since no one there has A/C, Remee decided to sleep nakey! Seriously thought what's the deal with people not having A/C there? That's the dumbest thing! Pretty sure you have to take a cold shower to cool off, and it's a surprise to me that anyone uses their ovens when it's that hot. I would just decide to starve. It's way to hot to cook!
We drove to Portland's Rose Garden. It was amazing. Millions of roses to smell. My mom had to stop and read what every rose was. She's a flower lover!

We loved the Rose Garden. So many roses, so little time.
Remee loves her Great G-ma!
The girls play when the boys are away!
My cousin's wedding was gorgeous. It was at an organic farm in Mt. Hood. I wish I lived there! The air was fresh and cool, and holy cow the food was amazing! This pic was at the reception. My sis and I are crazy dancers!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Breaking News

So the breaking news is that I can finally fit into my jeans from before I was pregnant. Which I am so happy about because I really didn't want to have to buy all new jeans. So hip hip hooray!!!
I made pickles for the first time with my friend Trish, and they are amazing! So easy to make and so yummy!

My beautiful girl is a talker!!!

Raven loves Remee.
And with that I am off to Seattle and then Portland! So I'll be back with many pics and stories to share...I'm sure!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Update on Remee

So here we are a couple days past 2 months old and I already can't believe how fast time goes. Remee had her 2 month appt. today at the Doctors and she did so well with her shots. Of course she cried but not for too long. She weighs 9 lbs. 11 oz. and is 23'' long. She's obviously built like her mom. Tall and thin. Here are some of the things Remee does at 2 months old.
  • She is a big smiler and giggler. Such a happy baby!
  • She loves the song 'The Itsy Bitsy Spider' and loves the sound of whistling.
  • She goes to bed at 10:30pm and sleeps til 6:30 am, giving mommy some good rest!
  • Still loves tummy time.
  • She likes watching T.V. Not kidding... she will turn her head towards it and watch all the colors on the screen.
  • She talks a lot. It's fun to ask her questions and she will try and answer back.

She is such a joy to have in our home. She is a sweet little girl with the sweetest spirit. We love her to pieces.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

When one is bored...

Ok so I'm not bored... I mean it's awesome to stay at home with Remee and sing to her and rock her and kiss and hug her all day long, but I needed a day to do some crafts. So, I found an editorial to make some easy elastic band skirts and I jumped at the opportunity. Ok I didn't jump... it was more like hesitation to say the least but I did it anyway. To make both skirts only took me about an hour and a half, and I am the worst seamstress ever. Pillows and curtains are my forte. So I am more than proud of my accomplishment, and I love my skirts. So comfy and seriously so easy to make. I'm not kidding when I say that! Click here for the instructions.I also got my hair done this week. I LOVE it. It's pretty much the same haircut I always get but the color is different and I'm so in love with it. Thanks Mikey for doing such a wonderful job. I love you babe. Here I am before (looking a little like Justin Bieber)!
And after... not looking like Justin Bieber... I hope!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Golf, Remee, and the dogs

First of all, I love this little girl. She is so dang cute I can't even stand it. And if you don't think she's cute I don't care, but something is wrong with you.

We saw this amazing movie. Seriously whoever wrote it is a genius. It really makes you think about your dreams in a totally different way. I will say, don't get a drink for this movie though cause if you have to leave to pee you will miss something that's really important and then you'll come back from peeing and you won't know what's going on. Then you'll have to ask whoever is sitting next to you (Mike in my case) and bug them about what you missed and then they will give you a short answer like 'they are on the third level' and you will reply 'what third level' and then that person will have to explain more, and in doing so while you are both talking you'll miss something else really important in the movie. So... please empty you bladder before the movie starts and don't drink anything for 2 hrs and 40 minutes!
Mike and I have been talking about getting a truck so we can finish up some projects around the house and not have to borrow everyone else's cars to get the jobs done. So... we bought our own. It's piece of crap but it runs great! It just doesn't look too pretty, that's why I didn't take a pic of the inside.
We have this pillow on our couch that I guess Remee is in love with. She snuggled up next to it and fell asleep. Don't worry I made sure she wasn't too close to smother herself!

We went golfing with my Dad at Hobble Creek. I of course didn't golf because I can hardly hit the ball and I was in charge of taking care of little Remee. She was so good. She actually fell asleep, which is hard to believe because it was hot outside and Mike's driving in that golf cart was just plain crazy. Who won.... my Dad! Way to go Steve-o!
The newest addition to our house is Delphi, Rachael and Kory's puppy. She is adorable! Here are the dogs playing in the yard. They love each other, well, I think Raven loves Delphi more but whatever! They just wrestle around and Delphi tugs at Raven's cheeks and ears!