Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween prep

Yesterday we decided, along with our friends Trish and Brandon, to go out and get some pumpkins. We got ours at a pumpkin patch and Trish and Brandon got theirs at Wally World. Who's was cheaper? Trish and Brandon's. But really nothing can beat how cute my little girl was in the patch! We took our pumpkins home and carved away. This year was our first year using stencils and I'm lovin' the way they turned out. We might use stencils every year.

Brandon's and Mike's
Mine and Trish's

Saturday, October 29, 2011

New obsession

If you have not seen this are missing out. It's just amazing. Can't wait til next Friday's show!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Looking forward too...

These next couple of months, I feel, are going to be crazy!!! I might lose my mind, or my hair, or my sanity, but I am so looking forward to all the craziness. The salon will soon be finished(thank goodness) and then comes our trip to NY(anyone want me to pick them up something? Cause seriously I'll be wandering the streets of NY alone for 2 days) and then come the holidays. Oh the 3 F's of the holidays... FOOD, FAMILY, and FUN... or FLASH DANCE (I guess it depends on what kind of family you have). Either way I can't wait. I'm looking forward to Christmas music and setting up the tree. But first... Halloween is next week. I am so excited to share with you all how adorable my little girl looks in her costume. I might make her wear it more than just one day because it's really that cute! Well, so much to look forward to...I can't wait to share it all!!

*I was serious about the picking things up for you in NY. If you want it...let me know. Yes, sister, I already know what you want.*

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I'm BAaack!

After weeks and weeks of our computer being dumb, we finally got it all fixed and hooked up the Internet. Now, I can start working on getting photos uploaded and getting this blog of mine all updated.
We have had so much going on these past few weeks. We are building the new location for the salon in American Fork, and hopefully it will be up and running VERY soon.
This last week, we took our annual trip to Disneyland for some R&R and family time. I enjoyed every minute of it. I miss my family so much I can hardly stand it. Remee LOVED Disneyland! I was amazed at the different experience I had this year as apposed to last. This year was our first year taking Remee with us to Disneyland and to be honest I was a little hesitant. I mean she's only about a year and half and I wasn't sure if she would enjoy herself or just be overwhelmed and scared. Well, she definitely loved it, and I found myself loving that she was loving it too. Instead of enjoy the rides and looking around I found myself constantly watching her to see her reaction. She would dance and giggle and be completely in awe at the same time.

During our trip to California we also got to go to the Conan show. It was really cool to see how everything was done 'behind the scenes'. In fact, if you watch the show on October 20th you will see me in the audience. I finally got my 15 minutes(more like 5 seconds) of fame. Lucky me. That, and I'm pretty sure Conan looked right at me. Cool.
Anyway, busy times! I'm glad I can finally get beck to blogging. Hopefully I'll be better at updating. In the meantime, here are a few photos to enjoy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The bugs are coming...

For those of you that have the same issues as we do, meaning, scared of spiders, hate ants, etc. Well, we have been getting our house sprayed every year around this time to keep them out and we have been so happy with who we've been using that I thought I would share in case anyone needed a referral. His name is Orion and he owns his own business. He is the only one that will be coming to your door, so you know he is going to do a great job. Go here for more info! Oh yeah... The price is only $50 to spray inside and outside your home for ants and spiders(this does depend on your home if you own a mansion or something).