Saturday, April 30, 2011

Allergies and such

Remee is a lot like mommy in most ways. A new one we have discovered is her allergies. She's had a snotty nose for the past week, just like me. Sneezing and a runny nose are the one thing I hate about this time of year. Soon it will all be over. In other news, Remee had her first taste of licorice. If you can't tell from the pic below, she quite enjoyed it. She was entertained for an hour, and covered in red, sticky slobber. Also, while "helping" me in the yard, Remee decided to take a lick of dirt. She was not a fan. She made a funny face and kept smacking her lips. I guess she'll stick to more domestic human food for now.

That's a snot bubble, by the way.

We bought this swing for Remee to hang on our tree in the backyard. She loves it!!! Since the leaves aren't on the tree yet, the sun is always in her eyes, so I decided to bring out the diva in her and slide on her most dazzling shades. Surprisingly enough she didn't mind at all and kept them on the whole time.

The other day we watched a friend's little girl, McKinnley. We took the girls to the Provo Beach Resort, down at the Riverwoods, and let them play for a while. Remee just crawled around of course, but McKinnley had a lot of fun going down the slide and climbing over the jungle gym. I wanted to take Remee on her first ride down the slide and well, McKinnley, at the last minute, decided to join us.

Catching up

A lot has been going on around our house lately and that means this poor blog gets neglected. I at least try and update every week!
The siding is up on the house and the yard is almost finished. I spent the week laying down mulch around all of my newly planted perennials and shrubs. One of the vines I bought already died, thanks to the surprise snow we got earlier this week. Good thing I bought it at Home Depot cause they have a one year guarantee.
We have been hooked on shows playing on Netflix. Prison Break, Lie To Me, and Psych(which I found out that I don't like) just to name a few. It's a nightly enjoyment, and thanks to Netflix, our DVR has been neglected. I mean, I didn't even watch Glee til Thursday. Crazy I know.
I finally got around to deep cleaning my house. The baseboards are clean and every inch of my house has been vacuumed, steam cleaned, and scrubbed. I washed every window and then Raven came and snotted on them all. Dogs these days.
Remee is hilarious. Everyday she discovers a new noise she can make or a new trick. This week she figured out a way to crawl over her barrier to the kitchen. (Remember the red tool boxes?) It's the funniest thing to watch her wiggle her way over them.
All of that, and the fact that it's May tomorrow makes this month just a fart in the wind. This year is already going by too fast. Although I can't wait til summer.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bunny Bum

I realize this first picture isn't of the best quality but how cute is she? I bought these pants yesterday at BabiesRUs on sale (buy one get one free and they were only $2.50 I bought a few... who cares if they are Easter? She'll be wearing them for a few months *smile*) and at first I just got them because they were cheap. Now that I have seen my little girl's chubby legs and bubble bum in them I LOVE them! Look at that pose!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A seriously busy day

With it being a gorgeous day outside, I decided to get some things done around the house. Nice weather is always a motivator for me. I cleaned the kitchen like no one's business, organized my junk drawer, and so much more. Then I ventured to mow the lawn. That was a lot harder than I remember it being back in high school (which was seriously the last time I mowed the lawn...I'm spoiled). I did the laundry only to discover that our dryer isn't working for some reason, so my house is covered in drying clothes. Socks, pants, and millions of tiny little outfits from Remee are dangling from our stair case to lampshades. I'm so grateful for living in the modern day and grateful for working appliances. All that and I still had time to go out and buy a much needed swimsuit. I've been using the same one for over 5 years now and figured it was time to get out and upgrade. I'm totally in love. If you are looking for a great swimsuit then go to Called To Surf, down in the Riverwoods. They have TONS of cute styles for any budget. Here's the one I chose. The thing I like about it best? It's reversible. So really it's like I got two swimsuits in one. Check out Maaji Swimwear! They have the cutest swimsuits ever! You must also see their sandals. To die for!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011


The weather has finally gotten warmer(for now anyway) and I am dying to get my hands in the dirt. Our landscaping is one of the last things to be done because we saw no point in doing it earlier and then having the siding workers stomp all over it. Well, the siding is going up as I'm writing this and that means any day now I'll be kneeling over some dirt, flowers in my hands, digging holes, and soaking up some sun. Oh the joy and anticipation. As for now, I'm locked and loaded with weed killer; spraying all the devils before they seed. Also, I'm more than thrilled to start spring cleaning! Spring cleaning to me means deep cleaning! I'll be washing baseboards, vacuuming every crevice in my home, and getting out a toothbrush to scrub the rest! This year however things are different than the last with Remee here. She might be watching Sesame Street more than just once a day for a little while. It will only take me two days to get everything squared away and sparkling. I have new ideas for a few rooms in my house and I can't wait to share them with you all! Out to spray more weeds... and sadly shovel dog poo!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Old News

I say it's old news because it happened weeks ago, but it's been busy around these parts! Remee has finally started pulling herself up to her feet. I swear she could do it a long time ago but she's so wobbly I think she was afraid of herself not being able to keep herself up. Remind me why we clothe babies when they look so dang cute in their diapers? Mike and Brandon tore the car port, and awning down...finally. I have hated that thing since the day we moved in. Our yard looks so much bigger now that it's gone and we get so much light in our windows. I'm in love with the results. We are also getting new siding up this week. I would try to explain how happy I am about that but there aren't any words! I'll be posting pictures soon...I hope! I have started my garden again. It's funny how growing seeds makes me so excited! My peas are sprouting and I have started my heirloom tomatoes indoors. Their little leaves have me jumping for joy. So that's that. I'll try to be better at updating now that the workers are gone!

Movie Reviews

Due to the fact that I've been watching BONES for a week straight, my movie watching was almost non existent. Don't worry though. I always seem to find time to watch some!(two stars) I'm a fan of the movie Under the Tuscan Sun and thought maybe this movie would be something like that, being based in Italy and all. Well, it wasn't even close to being as good of a movie as I had hoped. It was sweet that this old lady still wanted to find her long lost love, but her grandson bugged the heck out of me. He was like one of those guys from High School that think they are way hotter and cooler than they really are. All they do is come off being arrogant, big headed, ugly, pricks. Eh, all that and it still deserved two stars. Maybe I just like Italians! Rated PG: stupid British boy who thinks he's hotter than he really is. (two stars) The only reason this is getting two stars is because there were some pretty funny lines, other than that, it was lame. Sometimes I wonder if people sign up to do these movies because they are running low on cash and need money fast! You make millions a movie people, be more frugal!!! Rated PG-13: sexual content and the desire to commit suicide while watching this lame movie! (one star) I watched this movie because my mom had said she saw a part of it while working and said it might be good. Well, not so much, and that saddened me because I love Kathy Bates. Just another one of those movies where Mormons are misrepresented! Rated PG: sexual innuendos (four stars) This movie is up there with Pride and Prejudice! The love story between these two is adorable. Their love is so humble and innocent. I just loved every minute of it. Enough said! Rated PG-13: sensual kissing scenes! (four stars) I really didn't see the ending of this movie coming at all. Mike can usually guess what will happen and I think he was even stumped! It was really interesting. I was one the edge of my seat, eating my delicious popcorn by the handfuls, and downing root beer, the whole time. And I must say again in reference to Jake... he's nice to look at for 2 hours! Rated PG-13: violence, language

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I realize I have been absent for a while. We have had workers over at our house for a little over a week now and I have not been able to get to the computer... that and... I've been addicted to BONES! Watched every season, every episode and I'm hooked. I'm working on posts so don't worry... there are things in the making!