Saturday, February 26, 2011

Movie Reviews

So, some of these movies are from weeks ago and I forgot to put them on last weeks reviews. That, and the fact that I have had a cold calls for a lot of movie watching! Also, these ratings are out of five stars, just so you know!
(three stars)
Once again another love story from Nicholas Sparks. He's a really good writer! There's something about Amanda Seyfried that I really like. Even though she kinda has bug eyes I think she's cute! I really liked the relationship between the father and son and how everything worked out for them to patch things up. The end of the movie was a little disappointing cause it just ended... but I enjoyed the flick!
Rated PG-13: violence, and kissy kissy scenes!
(one star)
First of all, this Anna lady(Editor in Chief of Vogue) is possibly the most unfashionable person on the planet and why she has the job she has is beside me! Also, who wears sunglasses at a fashion show? Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of seeing the fabric move and the vibrant colors? I just did not like anyone in this movie and was bothered that everything was decided by this Anna! She really is a Devil and she doesn't wear Prada, she wears polos from Ralph Lauren *barf* not sure if this movie even deserves a star at all!
Rated: who cares cause I don't want you to ever see this movie!!!
(two stars)
I still can't really figure out why I didn't like this movie too much. I loved the music and the costumes, but the story line fell short. The only thing I kept thinking while watching this movie was,'That Claire Danes is really skinny'. Yeah that's how un entertained I was.
Rated PG-13: sexual references
(two stars)
Plain and simple... Seabiscuit is WAY better and the fact that I had that to compair it to just made me so bored!
Rated PG: mild language
(four stars)
So I think it's safe to say we all know how this movie really ends right? I won't spoil it for you if you don't though. I was laughing pretty much the whole movie. The kids in the movie are hilarious and so are the adults. Adam Sandler plays a plastic surgeon and what happens in his office is worth seeing the whole movie for! A great feel good movie!
Rated PG-13: sexual talk, swearing, and lots of jiggly boobs in bathing suits!
(three stars)
What and interesting movie inside the thinking of Jack Kevorkian (aka Dr. Death). I got a little bored in parts of this movie but it was so intriguing hearing his side of the story. The reasoning behind what he did and why he did it wasn't all that crazy. I, personally, don't think he should have gone to jail, but whatever! The acting was amazing! In fact I think Al Pacino should have taken away some awards.
Rated NR(it was an HBO movie): suicide
(two stars)
The moment I started watching this movie I knew I wasn't going to like it much because I absolutely despise Miley Cyrus. Although I think she did a good job of portraying a rebelled teen, wait... isn't that what she is these days anyway? A classic love story from the author Nicholas Sparks. On a side note, does anyone else not understand why this stupid Miley hasn't fixed her awful teeth? She has all the money in the world and she can't spend $6,000.00 on braces?
Rated PG: teen rebellion, kissing, and Miley's awful teeth!
(four stars)
I'll admit, though I liked this movie, I really don't understand all the hype? Is it just because everyone but me uses facebook? I personally don't like facebook, which is why I stick to the good ol' blogging world. Whoever did the casting for this movie did an outstanding job. I really enjoyed the banter between friends and how fast pace this movie was. However this did make me really scared for Remee to one day go to college. If this is how college is now, I don't even want to imagine how it's going to be in 20 years!
Rated PG-13: drug use, partying, sexual content, and a few language issues

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oh my darling

I was so excited that Remee's hair was long enough and thick enough to finally clip in a bow. That, and I was shocked she didn't try and pull it out! How cute huh? I love that crooked smile of hers. Remee has what's called positional deformity. Basically while she was in the womb her left side of her face was pushed up against some part of her body and didn't allow her muscles to fully develop. That's the reason for the crooked smile. However, it's also something she will grow out of by age 2. As she eats, talks, and normally functions her jaw muscles will strengthen and reconfigure to normalcy. But for now, I just enjoy her cute little silly smile!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I honestly had nothing to do with this!

I always keep a blanky down near Remee's toys cause of her spitting problem, and I guess playing with toys got a little out of hand because I watched this little one roll herself right up in her blanky! She thought it was hilarious... and so did I!!!
(last season's Valentine socks are compliments of Mrs. Herndon! Thanks mommy! I'll never run out of festive socks!)


Sleeping like a baby takes on a whole new meaning...

Diggin for Gold?

There aren't any words to describe how funny this one is. She'll just take everything out of those bins and then move on to something else. It's so cute.


I had the urge to do some projects, and well, I love the way they turned out! I got some inspiration from here and turned these plain wooden boxes into some cute display pieces that might be holding Remee's bows and headbands now *smile*. I just needed something to spruce up Remee's toy shelves.

I made this cover for Remee's Ikea high chair. Get the free pattern here!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Movie Reviews

I used to write movie reviews almost every week. That's just how often we used to go see movies. Well, now that we have our little munchkin in tow, we really don't get out to see movies that often. So this what I have decided, I'll still write movie reviews, but they will be for the movies that we see either at the theaters or (thanks to Netflix and Redbox) at home. Like some of you that read this blog, you probably have children or no longer can afford going out to see every movie in the theaters due to the fact it costs an arm and a leg and possibly your right eye. So, hopefully this will still be helpful in selecting the best movies to watch when you do have the time to do so.
(four stars)
This movie is the third installment of the 'The Girl Who..' movies. The whole thing is in Sweden talk but man it is worth seeing. Of course watch the first two before this one or you will be utterly lost! However, if you are not in the mood to read, wait til you are to start watching these movies cause HELLO... a lot of ready is going on here!
Rated R: Nudity, Violence

(three stars)
Pretty sure any movie that Jake is in with his shirt off I'm seeing. Ha ha. But seriously I was entertained! Great story, I never got bored... I mean who would watching Jake with his shirt off. Again... see this movie just for his hot body!
Rated PG-13: Violence... and an abundance of sweet abs and bulging biceps!
(three stars)
Ok, this movie was weird. Basically she's a skitzo! I was so lost in this movie I kept telling Mike 'I'm so not getting this'. Is it worth seeing? I would say yes. That dancing is great, the acting is wonderful, but the story is just plain freaky!
Rated R: Violence, Some serious sexual content (aka master...)
(four stars)
Who doesn't like a feel good movie? This is the second Nanny McPhee movie, and it was just as good as the first one. They always pick the cutest kids to play in these movies. Great movie to watch with the whole family. There's a part where the cutest little kid says 'ginger beer?' in his cute little British accent and I wanted to adopt the freakin kid. You will love this movie!
Rated PG: not sure why really
(four stars)
I am not a western watching gal but I fell in love with this movie. It's not for everyone. It's a little slower of a movie, but it's funny in a dry humor kind of way. If you like the Coen Brother's movies then you will love this. It's full of gun shooting, camp fires, and horse back riding. I love!
Rated PG-13: mild language, violence, and killing horses. That always makes me mad!

Kitchen LOVE

I am totally in love with this kitchen. So antique inspired! Oh and all of those wonderful blue green dishes are just dying to be with me.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

So cute!

I love this idea. This would be so cute for a birthday or... an reason really. Yup, they are just that adorable. Found out how to make them here!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Me Wanty

Babies change everything. Seriously, I look at things in such a different way these days... including the pics I take. When I take a picture of my adorable child I look down at my camera to see the cute picture I just took and 'what the heck? Remee is way cuter than that'. Then I take another picture and same thing. The flash makes everything look ultra washed out or it doesn't go off and then it's too dark... ok you all know what I'm talking about. Well I'm thinking I need an upgrade so Remee doesn't look back at the pictures I took of her and is utterly upset with her mother and my picture taking skills. So, it's on my wish list. A Canon G12. I'm taking donations. Anyone want to contribute? *smile*

Thursday, February 10, 2011

You will be missed

Kyle, you will be missed, and you will always have a place in my heart. May God be with you and your family!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A masterpiece!!!

Sometimes I watch the award shows rooting for someone because I saw their movie or show and loved it. Well in this case I had never seen this movie and thought... ugh why does it win? It looked so dumb! Well I was wrong!
I watched Temple Grandin today and was in awe! I laughed, I cried, and I was truly beside myself at how amazing this woman is. A true visionary. I finally have a better understanding at what autism is and how it affects people. We are blessed to learn from these individuals and all they have to teach us. If you have not seen this movie, then run out right now and rent it.

40 thoughts on The Bachelor ep. 6

  1. Oh now they decide to finally show their ages!
  2. Ashley H. drives me crazy. She's weird and always has her head tilted to the side.
  3. These girls are the same age as me? That makes me feel so old!
  4. Ok not fair, Alli hasn't had a date yet!
  5. Another chopper. Real original Brad.
  6. Who the heck is Britt? We don't care and why are you still on the show?
  7. This show really knows how to have a picnic in the middle of nowhere.
  8. It rains when you are with her because HELLO she's from Seattle. She brings the weather with her!
  9. She's not even wearing a bra. I can see her nipples
  10. I think I have that same nail polish color on right now
  11. What do you NOT hate Michelle?
  12. Pretty sure every date has been about facing fear
  13. oh calm down Michelle, it's not the end of the world... it's just repelling you idiot.
  14. She looks like she's faking it. For sure she's not scared
  15. What happened to Emily repelling? She just magically appeared on the ground below her
  16. Those hot pots are awesome. Can I come next time and make fun of all you idiots to your face?
  17. OMG... did she just admit to masturbating to the thought of Brad with his clothes off? What a perv.
  18. Group dates always end with booze and Jacuzzis
  19. Emily, haven't you learned by now to always wear waterproof mascara?
  20. Good for him to question Michelle. She's nuts!
  21. What a man, finally I'm impressed with this deadbeat!
  22. The little baby horses are following their mommies! How adorable is that?
  23. He knows that because he was here 40 million years ago!
  24. Let me guess... is there a secret picnic at the end of this cave?
  25. Ha ha!!!!! A picnic! ROFL
  26. All these girls have big boobs, that's what Brad's looking for in a future wife!
  27. Awkward...she's going home
  28. Did I just get stupider listening to this conversation?
  29. Ouch! Dinner and a dump, and I don't mean on the potty!
  30. Oh hello..... DEVIL WOMAN
  31. Get this girl a freakin vibrator. All she wants is a romp!
  32. She just has perma PMS
  33. Does she seriously have feelings? She's crying!
  34. 7 year olds play the silent game and it usually never ends in kissing!
  35. And... cue the kissing music!
  36. LIAR
  37. Britt? Seriously? You chose Britt? Who the heck is she?
  38. Wow I really thought Michelle was going home. He just picked her last to make her itch! Good for you Brad!
  39. Dang he's good with words. Really knows how to charm a lady.... that is when you're dumping her
  40. What the praying mantis? Someone was on drugs!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Today is double fun!

Not only is today the day Remee turns 8 months old but it's also Raven's 3rd birthday. These two are so dang cute together I could just die. Remee LOVES Raven. She gets so excited when Raven comes in the room, and loves to crawl over to her and tug on her hair. Raven, I think, loves Remee too. She'll sit next to her and watch her play. Lick her face non stop. Seriously, I have to tell Raven to go lay down to get her away from Remee's face. I think it's so sweet though. Here are some things about Remee now that's she's 8 months old.

She eats every last bit of anything I give her. She is a definite foodie.
She'll shake her head when you say no no no. She thinks it's funny... I'm being serious
Loves her baths. She'd probably stay in there til the water was cold if I let her. I swear this girl knows the difference between a toy for kids and an everyday item. She's more interested in playing with spoons, wipes, shoes, and lip gloss tubes than she is with her own toys. I refuse to buy any more toys for her. She is still in size 2 diapers.
She sleeps 12 hours a night. What a talker this girl is. Non stop yapping.
She loves to make my ears bleed buy screaming her head off anytime she wants something. I've been trying to teach her some sign language, but it's not working I guess.
She still loves Elmo. She talks to him when he comes on the TV. It's the funniest thing.

We still love everything about this little girl. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. What a huge blessing she has been to our family.
We also still love Raven, of course. She doesn't get the attention she used to but she still knows we love her. And, for her 3rd birthday this girl's getting a big, huge, delicious dog bone to chew on... for a few minutes anyway, til it's gone.

Thoughts on The Bachelor ep. 5

(check out Shawntel in the corner... she let out a goodbye fart)
Due to the fact that I was out of town for a few days, I watched The Bachelor later this week (thanks DVR). It was wonderful. Snide comments, lots of crying, and still more Michelle...the little devil. So instead of writing my thoughts, this time I thought I would share an oh so special website with you. Check out the faces of rejected bachelorettes here! Enjoy!!!