Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year Resolutions.

Are you one of those people who write new year resolutions? Well, I am! I like the thought of starting fresh and new every year of what I'd like to accomplish. This years goals were easy for me to write down. So here's the list for your reading pleasure...

  • Put $100.00 a month away in a savings account for Remee's future expenses. I'm guessing it will go toward school or a wedding, and dang it I better start saving up now cause who knows how much that could cost me in 20 years?
  • Some sort of exercise everyday for 20 minutes. My muscles have literally deteriorated. I'm just made of mush and bones.
  • Cook every recipe in my cookbooks so I can clear them out and get new ones. That means I'll be having giveaways for cookbooks. And let me just say...I only buy the good ones!
  • Make baby #2!
  • Grow my hair out so I can donate it to locks of love. If you know me, you know this is an impossible task. I have tried time after time to grow out my hair and it just never happens. So...I have decided to not do it for me but for someone else in need and I'm sure that will give me the dedication to do it. Oh yeah... and I do realise this is more like a 5 year goal.

So there you have it. Good Luck to me right?

Christmas was Awesome!!!

Christmas Day we spend with Mike's family every year. We have breakfast and play games and then go out and play in the snow. It was Remee's first time out in the snow and I was so excited to see how she would react. She of course wasn't fazed. She is so easy going. Mike made her a little snowman that she sat by and repeatedly knocked it over. I think she had fun. I had a blast because I wasn't cold. I HATE being cold and luckily it was sunny and warm out! I'm serious... we didn't even need coat. I attribute that to all the walking we did though. I was burning up a sweat! By the end of our adventure, Remee fell asleep. Raven and Delphi had fun too. They picked on each other and were so dang cute sitting by the door while we ate breakfast. How cute are those little faces?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Remee loves Elmo!

As you can tell from the video, Remee has a little crush on Elmo. Everytime he comes on the TV she talks to him and smiles. It's just hilarious.

My Dad-Dad-Daddy-O is 60

So, a few weeks ago my Dad truned 60 and I threw him a little surprise birthday bash! It was so fun to see how excited and thrilled my dad was to see some of his buddies, and it was also fun planning it and keeping it a secret!
I made little pins for everyone to wear with the big 60 on them.
I made these cute little sleeves to go around the Root Beer. The picture on the sleeve is a pic of my Dad way back when he was a young buck and a sportscaster for KTLA.
The yummy spread of delectables!
Me and my Pops! I love you Dad, and Happy 60th!

And the Giveaway winner is...

After putting everyone's name into a bowl and drawing out just one(I wish everyone could have won this giveaway) the winner is...
Abby Wright
I'll be contacting you by e-mail so you can get your gift certificate! Congrats!!
Thanks to everyone who entered, and don't worry there will be more giveaways within the new year so check back often!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

GIVEAWAY...free cut and color!

You read correct. My wonderful hubby is giving away a free cut and color to one of my blog readers! He is co-owner of Metropolitan Salon right here in Utah. They have two locations, Provo and AF, and you'd be getting your hair done by the one and only Mike Kowallis!
This will come in a gift certificate and you can use it whenever you like. Maybe a new look for the new year? All you have to do to enter is leave a comment that includes

1. Your name
2. Your e-mail (so I can contact you if you win)
3. An explanation of why you deserve this awesome giveaway

Keep in mind, this does not have to be for yourself. You could give this away to a very deserving person as well! You have until Tuesday the 21st midnight to enter. Don't be afraid people...I don't have to personally know you to enter! Good luck!!!
*the winner will be picked at random!*

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Get $10.00 free!

Go here to sign up and get $10.00 to spend in the store. They always have awesome deals going on and I'm sure with the $10.00 credit you could score something for free!

Monday, December 13, 2010


I am loving these onsies from Maptote! Such a cute gift for an expecting mommy or just someone who loves simple and stylish clothes for their baby. Seen here is Brooklyn.
and who wouldn't like this Paris onsie?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Goodbye Jen

Thanks to Comcast on Demand I get to watch Top Chef All-Stars! And this week I was thrilled to watch Jen get kicked off. Guess you aren't as good as you thought you were, and to see you pout about it was icing on the cake!

Friday, December 10, 2010


You are supposed to read the title the way it's sung in Fiddler on the Roof. Anyway, the holidays always make me think of special traditions, and now that Mike and I have added a new addition to the family this year, it really has me thinking about what traditions I want to carry in our home. Of course there's the usual, open one present on Christmas Eve (which is usually pj's), read the Christmas story from the Bible, and having ham for dinner. But what are some other unique traditions that you carry in you family or home? Please share!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Remee at 6 months

Remee had her 6 months check yesterday and she is doing great. Now that she's on solids, she's packing on the pounds and looking a little more plump...as you can see. Still, she's our little string bean! She's 13.9 pounds and 25'' long.
She did pretty good with her shots. Well, actually she started crying even before she got them because she got made that her legs were being held down. What a little stinker. She cried pretty much the rest of the day. Poor thing!!! Is it mean that I have to document this hysteria? I simply think she'll laugh about it years down the road.
So, these are some fun little things about Remee...
  • She's rolly polly. Seriously she is a non stop mover. One minute she's here, the next she's way over there!
  • She loves her food and makes mmm noises when she's eating!
  • She pants like a dog when she gets excited, and I'm pretty sure she didn't pick this up from Raven, because Ray Ray doesn't do that at all!
  • She says Ba ba but it doesn't mean Ba ba. It has no association with a bottle whatsoever.
  • She giggles like a giddy school girl when you fake sneeze. Who knew that could be so funny!
  • She is seriously attached to any fuzzy blanky we have. If I try and give her something else to sleep with she'll cry til you give her a fuzzy one.
  • She knows her name.
  • She loves to be tickled.

I can't tell you enough how much we love her.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Diaper Rash

Remee was getting a little diaper rash so I took off her diaper to let her air out before I smeared her hiney with butt cream and wrapped her in a new diaper. First thing she did when I flipped her over... shivered and peed. I just laughed.

Merry Christmas

Cool Stripes Christmas
Make a statement with Shutterfly Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.
Don't worry family, yours is on its way!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our Family Photos

While my sister was in town, she took some family picture for us. Here are just a few that are my favorites. It was hard just picking a few! Thanks Courtney, we love them all. Want to check out some other photos by my sis? Check out her blog here!