Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The End

I finally had time tonight to sit down and watch the very last episode of Jon and Kate plus 8, and I must say I am sad. Sad because I loved that show; it was refreshing to have a REAL family who had real problems being shown to the world to help us feel like our families are just as dis functional; and also because I was sad to see it all go down the way it did. I hate to see families break a part, as my family did at a young age. It's never a happy thing seeing two people who once loved each other fall out love. It's never a happy thing to see young children being split between parents' time, and it's never a happy thing to see how much the media has a negative effect on you. Now I'm not saying that I think the reason their marriage ended is their show, but I do think that fame can get to you, make you a different person, change your perspective on things that are more important than others. I wish their family nothing but the best for years to come. I hope and pray that they will be able to pull through the hard times and realize that all the crap can actually make you stronger.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Here I am at 6:00am with a coughing attack from an upper respiratory infection, and instead of staying in my bed and keeping Mike awake while I hack up a lung I thought I would come do what I haven't done in quite a long time... MOVIE REVIEWS! I know I know you all got really excited so just calm down, there aren't that many to go through.
Man, I think if the world really ended this way we would all be way over our heads. This was intense and hilarious. You know how some action movies can get. Every bad thing that could happen they just luckily missed. You know what I'm talking about? So I found myself laughing a lot in this movie, but still it was pretty good. Well, ok I'll be honest... I'm not going to see it again!

The passion this man had for music is amazing. I felt a little weird watching him practice, with his funny glitter pants and Chinese inspired shirts but it was interesting none the less. May the legacy live on...

Oh Gerard, you are scary and beautiful in this movie. Seriously though I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. It's great from beginning to end and you'll find yourself rooting for the bad guy in this one. Not a movie to be drinking any soda in, cause I swear if you have to pee in this movie you'll be missing something good.

Saw... I can't get enough of you. Yes the acting can be quite horrible but the story line just gets me every time. The creator of these movies is a genius. I know it's a horrible habit to be watching these movies, especially considering there are 6 and still more to come. If you can handle blood and guts them have a look-see.

I'm not sure where to begin. First this is an older movie so I'm sorry if you have already seen this. I was so upset with this movie. I thought it would be really funny and instead I walked away offended a little. It was just too sac religious for my liking.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What's New

First I must say thank you to everyone for your kind words. I have received so many questions from people about my pregnancy so I thought I would just tell the whole bit!


1. Where you still on Clomid to get pregnant?
Yes, in fact I would recommend it to anyone! I loved being able to know that my body was doing what it was supposed to when it was supposed to. I was also taking estrogen and then progesterone to keep me from miscarriage. I am still on the progesterone til 14 weeks. That's the story about meds.

2. How far along are you?
I am 12 weeks 3 days today!

3. How are you feeling?
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones because I have not experienced morning sickness. The only sickness I have had is with food. Some things just don't smell good if you know what I mean. I am still really tired. Actually tired doesn't do it justice... I'm exhausted. Everyday I feel like I've ran a 500 mile run by the time it's 2:00 pm. I'm still waiting for that to get a little better.

4. What are you craving?
It's sad to say this but fast food. I know I know here come the lectures. I guess what I'm really craving is salty things. French Fries are delicious.

5. Are you showing?
Not really and here's the picture to prove it. I was told by my ultrasound tech that my uterus is retro flexed meaning it sits really far back in my back so the only time I really show is after I eat.

6. What do you think you are having?
Here's the thing, I think I've been brainwashed by Mike to believe it's a boy because he is 100% positive. I'm leaning more towards a girl. I don't know why but I am. That and the two times I've heard the heartbeat now it's been 169 bpm and 165 bpm. Following old wives tails that means a girl! Who knows if that's true. At this point I really am happy with whatever Heavenly Father gives me.

Well I think that's about it. Any other questions, just ask... I am an open book!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Is it too early to be having cravings?  I mean I am only 10 weeks but man these things are what I dream about eating everyday.
Tangelos.... if you have not tried one of these you are missing out more than you know.  Amazing!
Lay's BBQ Potato Chips.  Oh my mouth is watering just thinking about them.
Honey Crisp Apples and caramel dip!  Yummy!