Friday, January 27, 2012

We the People...

I don't know about you but I love politics, especially when it comes to the presidential debates.  If you watched them last night you got a good show.  Romney kicked A!  I was so proud.  We paused the debate last night and I couldn't help but take a pic cause their faces say it all.
  • Santorum: looks like a tampon and is a major bully.  You can tell by the expression on his face that he can't be taken seriously.
  • Newt:  He's just lost all together. That happens when you're continually burned by Romney. 
  • Romney: actually cares about who's talking and what's being said.
  • Paul:  Got to love him.  He's so intense, and hilarious. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Trip to Washington

Remee and I went to my sister's house for a week, to visit!  It was wonderful.  We relaxed by watching movies, hit up a yoga class, went on a long drive, and spent lots of time giggling(we are girls, that's what we do)!  Here are a few pics from the trip.

Yummy, locally made, ice cream.

One of my favorite places on earth.  The sounds, smells, and more fresh produce than you could ever imagine!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Soel Boutique is giving away one of these cute back packs to a lucky reader.  Check out their blog to enter!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Picture Book Love

Remee has been really into reading lately.  She's learned to climb up onto the glider and rock herself while reading her books.  She gives all the animals and characters in her books kisses, and it's probably the cutest thing I have ever seen(I say that a lot I think).  Yesterday we decided to take her to the library for the first time.  She walked through all the aisles and aisles of picture books and would pic out a few.  We got a big stack them to read at home.  Then... Remee thought it was an appropriate time to flash everyone.