Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Next American Idol...

isn't going to be me. HA HA. Today I tried out my vocals to the rest of the crowd in Salt Lake City. Mike and I woke up at 3:00 am to get ready and leave to be there at 5:00 am (the time they told us to be there), but to our suprise we just stood outside for 3 hours waiting for them to let us in and take our seats. Don't let the show fool you, this was not a fun experience. In fact it was the worst. They make you scream and shout every five seconds, act excited, sing these stupid crowd songs, all the while you are just trying to stay awake cause you only got about 3 hours of sleep and you haven't eaten for about 8 hours cause you are so nervous and scared, and you haven't had anything to drink cause you are so incredibly scared that you will wet yourself the second you get up to sing. Well I got down to the floor to audition at about noonish and they told me no. I don't blame them! I was shaking in my boots, holding my pee that I swear was about to come spilling out of me the second I opened my mouth, and I was so nervous I didn't even sing very well. I guess it just wasn't for me. I think Heavenly Father has another plan for me...like having babies and moving to Washington. Ha ha, I only wish Mike would approve of that plan. Maybe one day soon. Love to you all!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Go Green!

Ok now don't get the wrong idea. I'm not going to become one of those annoying crazy people about going green, but this book opened my eyes to so many ideas. It really makes you think about what you are putting in the trash, on your body, and in your body. I think everyone should read this book and yes maybe modify it to fit your lifestyle but read it with an open mind and you will love it. I couldn't put this book down. I ask everyone to start becoming green. It's the best thing you can do for this planet and for your body.