Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Inexpensive Beauty Products that Work

There's no question we all want perfect skin.  For one person that means no blemishes and for another it means no wrinkles.  For me it means even skin tone, and while I still haven't found something that completely gets rid of the dreaded Melasma that resides on my face, I have found a few products that have made my skin so much more supple and brighter that I almost don't care.  Wait what?  Ya I know.  Healthy skin is way more important than freakin melasma.  I decided to get on Amazon one night and buy up a few things that had great reviews but also that were inexpensive.  Cause who has the money to spend on a million products without the knowledge of if they actually work.  Two of these goodies are Korean Beauty products which means their ingredients are so much better than most things you can get here in the USA.  The last product is all natural and can be used internally and externally.  WHAAAAAAT?  Let's get into it shall we?

MIZON Snail Wrinkle Care Sleeping Pack

Sounds gross right?  Snail cream?  But for real this stuff is insanely good.  It's super hydrating and you only need the tiniest bit to cover your entire face and neck...which means more bang for your buck! After I've done my entire nightly skin routine including washing, toning, and moisturizing, I rub a pea size amount of the sleeping pack all over my face and down my neck and then go to bed.  I'll admit, the texture of this is weird but I'm like, who cares as long as it works? I use this about 2-3 times a week depending on how dry my skin is.  It doesn't have a scent which is a huge added bonus cause no way can I sleep if my face smells like some stinky or highly perfumed product!  You'll totally love this stuff.  Don't believe me...just read the reviews.

Milky Dress Wrinkle and Whitening Eye Cream

Again, because of my melasma, anything whitening is welcome.  This eye cream has been wonderful at helping to lighten up that under eye circle problem that all of us mommas have cause we never get enough sleep.  I take a small pea size amount on my ring finger and dab it around the eye area closer to the cheekbone than the eye itself.  Product travels so even though you're not dabbing it right next to your eye the product will travel there as you sleep and you'll still see the benefits.  Also, yes this is me whiteout makeup...you're welcome. 

Colloidal Silver

A friend of mine actually gave me the recommendation to try this spray for overall health.  You can actually take this stuff internally for immune support.  But what I love about it is that it can help to calm down breakouts.  Colloidal silver is antibacterial and helps to stimulate healing in the skin and other soft tissues.  After I tone my skin I spray 2 mists on my face and let it air dry.  If I have a break out I concentrate the spray to that area and again, let it air dry.  I've seen my breakouts heal so much faster.  and a few times I've felt one doing on and I'll concentrate a spray on that area and it never developes.  Pretty crazy right?  I've a huge fan.  So much so that I've used this on Daisy when she got pink eye.  I just put a drop in each eye three times a day and it helped her to fight if off without needing antibiotic drops.  Happy days for me.

Sometimes it takes a bit of searching the internet for things that work for you.  There's no promise that you'll see the same results as me or that this will be something you love but what I can say is that I have loved using these products so much that I felt the need to share.  Click the links to buy some for yourself!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Baby Wearing 101

This journey of having three kids has been just that, a journey.  Lots of roadblocks and speed bumps and stop signs and falling rocks ahead.  I've learned a few things here and there and have made a long list of products I hate.  But, instead of dwelling on the bad I thought I'd share a few things I've learned to love and deeply appreciate.  In all actuality I don't think I could live without these things. They've kept me sane on days when my screaming baby wanted my attention and I had dinner to make.  Or when Daisy was teething and wouldn't let me put her down. I kept my cool, put on a wrap, and went about my day as normal. Here are two carriers that are my favorite.  Before I get started I'll share this first.  I suffer from migraines. Horrible migraines that stem from a previously injured back and neck.  These carriers have NEVER caused a migraine.  They help evenly support my baby so that I'm comfortable and so is she.

Structured Carrier
Years ago I bought a structured carrier and HATED it.  I literally could only wear it for maybe 20 minutes before my back started to ache and I could feel a slight headache rearing it's ugly face. So I gave it away...or maybe I burned it...I can't remember.

It wasn't until I saw this carrier and tried it on that I realized my hatred towards structured carriers was really only towards a brand that really didn't create a comfortable one.  This Jublii carrier has been such a fun way to carry miss Daisy.  She sits comfortably, rests her head on my chest and enjoys our close time together.  She is definitely my most snuggly little baby so it was no surprise that she loves to be carried...in any form. 

Here's what I love about the Jublii carrier.  First off lets start with the design.  You can make this carrier custom, meaning you pick out the fabric, the colors, the size, everything.  I appreciate this more than maybe most people do but I think having something that you're wearing that reflects your own style means a lot. Along with the fabric you have the option to choose a mesh lining.  My carrier has a grey mesh lining that allows for a bit more breathable wear. Great for those hot summer hikes and long neighborhood walks.  Second, this carrier is so incredibly easy to put on.  There's a snap around the waist and a snap around the shoulders and that's it! If someone else wants to carry the baby around you just loosen a few straps and voila, perfect fit.  Third reason why this carrier is awesome...see the picture below.  Every strap (except for the shoulder straps) have a little elastic around the end.  This allows you to tighten or loosen as you need and then roll it up and keep it out of the way.  I can't tell you how many thing I own that have straps that look so dingy and mangled because they flap around everywhere and get destroyed.  This small feature is going to help keep my carrier looking like new for much longer.

Like most structured carriers you have a head hammock(as I like to call it) for when baby needs a little extra support but what you don't always find is one that's removable.  This carrier's head support is removable with snaps and can be washed or left behind when not needed.  Another great removable feature are the suck pads.  You can see an example of them in the first photo, above, wrapped around the shoulder pads. These are essential for those teething and drooling little babes.  The suck pads protect the wrap from snot and spit and are removable so you can wash them more frequently.  Cause who has time to wash and dry your carrier when you need it all the time?  Can you tell I'm obsessed? 

I'm so glad there are products out there that help to make our momma lives easier.  Check out more of the carriers here!

Wrap Carrier
Once again I made the mistake of buying the wrong wrap many years ago and really never used it.  There was literally like 500 feet of fabric and by the time I wrapped it around myself I felt like a clostrofobic mummy.  No bueno.  I was determined this time around to find one that I loved because I need to be hands free.  Three kids is no joke folks! 

The Solly Baby Wrap has been a favorite of ours for many reasons. It's small and compact which makes it a great option to shove into the diaper bag and it comes in a thousand different colors.  Ok maybe not a thousand.  It's also pretty reasonably priced.  This wrap was my favorite when Daisy was really small.  It kind of acts like a swaddle in a sense and keeps baby super close and snug.  Once you get the hang of how to wrap it, it's a quick tuck here and pull there and it's on for good.  In fact, sometimes before I leave the house I just put it on so I'm ready to go wherever we end up.  Now that Daisy's getting older and more mobile she likes to wiggle out of the wraps a bit so I'm constantly having to readjust her so I've been favoring my structured carrier more. There's a season for everything in life right?

 I've been able to wear Daisy through Disneyland, grocery shopping, family walks, and making dinner without an aching back or an arm that's fallen asleep from holding her. These carriers make my life a bit easier because I can still function and complete the tasks I need because I have both hands to use.

Three kids hit me like a whirlwind.  It's been the biggest learning experience of my life.  I have to cook dinner at a different time, I clean differently, I load the car full of people and buckle a thousand buckles. My diaper bag is full of diapers, wipes, kleenex, toys, random shoes someone refused to wear, underwear dribbled with pee, and more hair bows and clips than I can count.  It's a glamorous life I lead, but at least the life I lead can be one that allows me to be hands free thanks to my baby carriers. I'm thankful that someone out there didn't forget about the mom's that barely have their head on straight and need options for caring their kids around that won't kill their backs or rob the bank.

I also must give a shout out to my girl Catherine Callan who took all these photos and nailed it.  Her work is amazing!  If you're looking for a photographer, shoot her an email at catherinecallanphotography@gmail.com