Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dogs are really funny I guess?

As you can obviously see, my little girl LOVES Raven! Man am I glad they get along!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A visit to an old friend

I modeled for Shabby Apple a LONG time ago and decided to take a look at some of the new dresses they have these days. I was impressed, to say the least. I pretty much wish I had the money to buy all of these dresses! Oh well.... I guess I'll start saving now!

Monday, January 24, 2011

80 thoughts on The Bachelor ep. 4

I can't even believe I watch this horrible show... that, and I can't believe I have 80 things to say about it.
  1. Chantal... I like you, but weren't you the one who slapped him in ep. 1? That doesn't look good on your record.
  2. I think someone hit themselves on purpose for attention!
  3. Awkward silence
  4. Let's have everyone stand outside and rub it in that they don't get to go on this helicopter ride at all!!!
  5. But I'm afraid of sharks
  6. Out of the real world Brad? You already are... you just flew to Catalina in a helicopter
  7. You're going in water, not outer space
  8. Group dates suck
  9. Oh wow now you are threatening the guy?
  10. Why do these girls like this guys? He has the personality of a fork
  11. Where's the gun? I need to kill myself. This show is so dumb
  12. Oh no!!! Not heartburn...anything but heartburn
  13. Why does everything have to be about you
  14. Isn't everyone focused on Brad?
  15. I thought slapping him was hilarious
  16. "No doubt about it" classic line from Brad
  17. Good Luck Rain? She's from Seattle... it rains there 152 days a year. That's not luck... that's just the weather
  18. Wow there's some tongue
  19. More like a make out night
  20. Some one's erect!
  21. Screw Brad, you get Dr. Drew
  22. Who in the hell is Mike?
  23. Brad's next occupation is the shrink for all the bachelors in the years to come
  24. Good (Emily) vs. Evil (Michelle)
  25. Thanks goodness Dr. Drew is going to finally confront all the alcoholics on this show!
  26. Substance? Like you want bread with these women?
  27. Thank you therapist Brad
  28. She won't be getting a rose!
  29. I miss fangs
  30. I love that they ask for 2 seconds. We all know it's going to be longer than that!
  31. A hug? You want a hug?
  32. Steal him? Just be a bit** and say NO
  33. Booze in hand...a must
  34. Yeah! Michelle + Brad = nothing, cause it definitely won't last!
  35. Cause you are the devil!!!!!
  36. Go home if you can't handle it!
  37. Yeah fit... like great pair of jeans
  38. Are we 12?
  39. Yes we are cause you are wearing heart hoop earrings.
  40. Kissing is going to get he gingivitis
  41. Alright... someone fart in the water already.
  42. Take some Zoloft and get over it!
  43. How could a black eye get in the way
  44. Mmmm Mmmm
  45. I actually feel bad for Michelle for once
  46. Cat fight
  47. You could cut the tension in that room with a butter knife
  48. My eye...she is so self centered
  49. YOU understand? Wrong
  50. What is up with Brad and taking these women on dates where they have to confront their worst fear?
  51. Na it's ok... window washers do it on a daily basis
  52. Just push her off
  53. Babe? You don't even know this guy
  54. She has a crappy date. I would rather be at a carnival or Catalina
  55. So glad we have our Jansport backpacks
  56. What the gang signs?
  57. This show is too long!
  58. My heart's pounding... yeah it does that when you're living
  59. What's up with all the beds in the middle of nowhere? are they shooting a porno?
  60. She scares you cause she'll kill you in your sleep
  61. Some one's a daydreamer
  62. I have to go for s second. (meaning he has to take a #2)
  63. A rose? I didn't see that coming at all
  64. She just wants to see his weenie
  65. More present? Where was he before?
  66. This guys is crazy if her needs validation from a shrink that kissing someone is ok
  67. 1 2 3 is our thing? What the?
  68. Thanks once again therapist Brad
  69. Magical moment? It was a blanket, pillows, booze (of course), and a candle. aka a quickie
  70. Emily's already got a ring in the bag!
  71. Girls over analyse everything
  72. where's a freakin Kleenex?
  73. Giving him puppy eyes is not going to get you a rose
  74. Now ladies...these selections were picked from a hat at random
  75. what's the point in having a host for this show? All he does is tell us when there's only one rose left.
  76. No!!!!! Goodbye redhead
  77. Maybe your maternity dress was a turn off
  78. Did she just pick a weggie?
  79. Was he crying?
  80. OMG... I just want to dance. No words... this is just weird!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

We have a crawler!

I can't believe after almost 2 months of army crawling she finally got the idea to get up on her knees and give the real crawling a try. She's such a smart girl.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

30 thoughts on the Bachelor ep.3

  1. Michelle, how can you know if some one's bad for Brad? You just met him 3 days ago.
  2. Why would you want to record a song when you both suck at singing?
  3. It's ok...I've heard worse on American Idol
  4. I'm embarrassed just watching you.
  5. How much did they have to fork over to get Seal on this dumb show? His career must be in the tank
  6. Hey more booze!!!
  7. Who she is as a woman? Like, you want to know her bra size?
  8. Yes Brad, rubbing my thigh really makes me feel a whole lot better about my dad being dead.
  9. Yum sushi
  10. What's up with this show and filming?
  11. Michelle, sorry to break it to you but you're on the Bachelor and you knew you'd be dating all of these women too.
  12. It's ok, Brad knows you're a vampire, you don't have to tell him
  13. Offensive? She just wanted to kiss the guy
  14. The life expectancy of anyone who's been on the Bachelor is 10 years shorter, and you have a really good chance of organ failure in the future (due to all the alcohol of course)
  15. crying to laughing...weird
  16. ok someone is bound to get herpes of the mouth on this show
  17. Wilty roses are what every woman wants
  18. why do they never show these people eating?
  19. Good for her overcoming her fears
  20. Wine Country? Seriously... all this drinking is making me tipsy!
  21. OMG they are eating!
  22. Yeah drink up, that will make it all better!!
  23. Brad likes a smart alec? Then he should be dating a 5 year old
  24. Finally the fangs come off
  25. Who the heck is that chick?
  26. Yeah!!!! The Redhead!
  27. Such intense music
  28. It's ok ladies, you might end up being the next bachelorette
  29. Wow, such harsh words lady!
  30. AAAAAHHHH!!!! Where do I go? So many walkways to choose from. I just want to go home! Ha ha ha

Monday, January 17, 2011

Best and Worst Dressed!

Prom for the stars is what I like to call all of the award shows. I'll admit, I enjoy watching the red carpet more than the actual award show! Here are a few of the best and worst dressed, in my opinion, from the Golden Globes 2011!
Olivia Wilde...isn't she gorge? I have a girl crush on her. Her character on House is who we named Remee after. Well, kinda. That's where we heard the name anyway. Love the shoes!
Kiera Sedgwick. I love this mustard color, the light, movable fabric and those awesome green earrings.
Julia Stiles. Classic one shoulder gown. Really flatters her curvy figure! Diggin' the hair too.

January Jones. WOW!!! She looks like a hooker/flapper. Awful.
Heidi Klum was dressed for the grammy's. It's not that I hated this dress it just wasn't right for the occasion. That, and the hair is blah!
Michelle Williams, this is just flower power gone wrong. A nine year old is the only person who should be wearing this patterned fabric. Ewww!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Craft inspiration

I saw this awesome tutorial to make adorable pom poms out of your old T-shirts and thought... I must have a craft night. So if you are wanting to come and make some of these on Tuesday the 18th at my house, leave a comment with your e-mail and I'll get you all the info! This won't be the only thing I think I want to make, so come prepared to craft, craft, craft!

Monday, January 10, 2011

30 thoughts on The Bachelor

Once again... another show. I must admit I fast forwarded through some of it on my DVR cause I got sooooo bored. I feel like they really stretch things out these days. Anyway, here's what I thought about tonight's show.
  1. Who painted that mansion? Bright yellow and royal blue? Talk about design gone wrong.
  2. Brad... you walk weird.
  3. So much for doing your hair for that wonderful convertible ride. A man should know better!
  4. Oh no, watch out for those evil raccoons.
  5. Yeah, a carni and a cocktail dress. What a perfect match!
  6. Cheesy cheesy cheesy
  7. It's not a carnival without a little barf. Who's going to be first?
  8. OMG stop talking with your hands. Sooooo distracting.
  9. What the hell kind of public service announcement is this?
  10. She doesn't look like a cougar, she looks like a 40 something Utahan.
  11. Michelle=BIT*H
  12. More fangs? Seriously?
  13. Now he looks like a pimp walking down the street with 15 girls!
  14. "It's my birthday, " yeah we get it Michelle.
  15. If you are an attractive alcoholic, you should really apply to go on the bachelor. Booze is everywhere!
  16. Melissa is so desperate
  17. Peel the layers? Is he an ogre?
  18. These cat fights are hilarious
  19. Oh I'm sorry Michelle, I didn't hear you, did you get a rose?
  20. Pretty woman experience? Are you trying to say she's a hooker?
  21. Nothing more attractive than a black face mask
  22. Of all those dresses, she chose that one?
  23. Oh my gosh, your name is on a sign 1/8 the size of a normal jumbo tron
  24. What is he a psychologist now?
  25. Wow! You guys both have turkey and eggs in your fridge? What a do I! Golly don't we all?
  26. Poor Keltie... she was cute
  27. Don't these girls know that if they get voted off this show they'll soon be married with children?
  28. WA WA...we don't feel bad for you Melissa
  29. Well, back to waxing guys balls for you Raichel. Maybe you'll find a guy at work that is cleanly waxed for you.
  30. There's only one rose left... yeah we know... we can count too you know!


Have you seen the new spring line from Gap Baby? It's pretty much to die for. Seriously I had to walk out of there so fast or else I would have bought every piece they had! In fact I was tempted to buy Remee boy clothes, that's right... that is just how dang cute everything is. Here are some of my faves.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A visit from mommy!

Wondering where I have been? Well, Remee got sick with a cold, then my mom came to visit, then I got a sinus infection, and while I'm getting better thanks to the antibiotics I'm also still feeling yucky because this medicine gives me the "D" word! Enough said about that right? Well, here are some pics from when we went skiing up at Sundance while my mom was here. If I learned anything from that experience it was 1. Me + Ski boots = frozen and numb toes. Seriously I would go down two runs and I literally could not feel my feet. I have such awful circulation in me feet anyway and ski boots obviously make that worse, so mom and I would go into the lodge and have a water break while the blood ran back into me toes. 2. Sundance is THE place to run into not one but TWO ex-boyfriends. That's right TWO!! One of them finally got married, which was just jaw dropping because he was a total douche but I guess time can change a man.
My poor frozen feet. Not even the toe warmers could keep them warm!
Grandma feeding a much happier Remee. She was asleep most of the time my mom was here cause she felt so bad. By Sunday she felt way better and then mom left Monday morning...bummer.

20 thoughts on the Bachelor

  1. You seriously think these girls are going to take you seriously after what you did?
  2. Shave your facial's distracting.
  3. Manscaping...hmm...wierd!
  4. A Utahan, that should be for some good TV. That is if she's willing to put out.
  5. How come they don't tell me your ages anymore?
  6. How in the hell is he remembering all these people's names?
  7. Lady with the kid who's fiance died...I think you are one of my favorites.
  8. A slap in the face? What producer told you to do that?
  9. OK, every comment out of that limo is, "Wow, what a beautiful dress." Is he here for the dresses or the ladies?
  10. Seriously, you are going to make him open the door for you? That's not a part of the show you idiot.
  11. Ha ha, on to getting drunk and plastered. Let the party begin.
  12. Fangs? What the?
  13. You are right, she's not here for you just publicity for those gosh awful teeth of hers.
  14. I hope Conan has you on his show when you are kicked off to make fun of those fangs of yours.
  15. These dresses, I feel like you are either at a cocktail party or the prom. Too many sequins.
  16. Let's make for a good show and give the girls a thorny rose. Now that would be good TV.
  17. Oh I am so glad you picked Ashley for the first rose...I like her too.
  18. Does being a Texan really make you that much more connected? I think not!
  19. Goodness, anyone could fall in love if you sent them to freaking The Caribbean, or Hawaii, or some other tropical place. So typical. I say you send them to the middle of nowhere where all you have is a cabin and an outhouse, no makeup, and someone has to cook for them to survive. If you can fall in love then, then you are for realzees in love!
  20. Fangs? Oh goodness, send her to therapy this instance!

Watch with me every week for an even better laugh!