Sunday, July 31, 2011 of late!

I can't even believe that Remee is almost 14 months old. It really does blow my mind how fast time flies. My love for this tiny human is indescribable. Sometimes I look at her and start to cry with the amount of love that overflows within me. She has this silly personality! She tries to make you laugh and talks all the time. She loves to tell stories and copy everything you do. Here are a few things we absolutely love about Remee(the list grows every second)

  • She loves music and dances to almost anything. If you tell her to dance she'll do it for you! She swings her arms all around and bounces to the beat. It's adorable!

  • When she eats, every bite is followed by 'mm mm'. It's like she took notes from 'What About Bob'.

  • She loves making noises with her tongue. She clicks and wiggles it all around to make any weird noise possible.

  • She gives kisses. I could get kisses from this girl all day. I absolutely LOVE it and think it's hilarious. She opens her mouth wide and sticks her tongue out to greet your lips.

  • She puckers her lips a lot.

  • She loves to feed everyone. Whether it's Raven or myself she takes whatever she's eating and stretches out her hand to give you a bite. She gets a kick out of it.

  • She loves to open the entertainment cabinet and take all of the DVDs off the shelves and throw them on the floor.

  • She takes a few steps on her own from person to person or object to object. Her tiny wobbly body is so cute to watch!

  • She loves to cuddle with Daddy. Sometimes it only lasts 2 minutes but I think it's the sweetest thing ever!

  • She is obsessed with her Bumbo. She likes to crawl in it and sit down and wiggle herself out and do it all again. Who knew that would become a toy?

  • She loves to place her blocks and alphabet letters into cups and bowls and pitchers, then dump them all out and do it again. I'm proud to say she's already learning to clean and she'll be tidy just like her momma! Ha ha

  • She loves her baths! She splashes around in the bubbles and scoots around. Although she hates to get her hair shampooed.

  • She likes to play chase. She'll start to get away from you and you'll say 'I'm gonna get you' She gets really excited and giggles and tries her hardest to crawl as fast as she can to get way.

  • She has one tiny tooth. She plays with it with her tongue.

We are just so grateful to have her around. I fall deeper in love with her everyday!

One more in Heaven

This year has been hard letting go family members and friends that have passed away. I almost feel numb to it. However, though it's been sad, I have learned so much about our plan here on Earth. I have grown a stronger testimony of our Forever Families and the love Heavenly Father has for us. He has given us a huge blessing to be able to return to him and reunite with loved ones that have passed before us. This last week Mike's sweet Grandpa Lemon passed away and returned to live with Heavenly Father. I couldn't help but think about when I pass. I'll be welcomed by my Grandpa Jack, Aunt Amy, Grandpa Lemon... and so many more family members and friends. I found comfort in knowing that Grandpa Lemon was with the love of his life, Grandma Rhea. I imagined their sweet embrace, tears running down their cheeks as their long 5 year wait to see each other finally came. We love you Grandpa Lemon, and we will miss you!

Movie Reviews

This will be a quick review because I don't have much time and there are a lot of movies to review. Here we go!
(4 stars)
I am loving the idea of redoing some of these classic stories and making them into movies. This one was totally unexpected. I had no idea how this movie was going to end. They had a pretty good cast and it was just really well made!

(5 stars)

Is it even surprising that this movie got 5 stars? I was blown away at how good this movie was. My favorite thing was how all the wizards stood up for Harry and defended him. I felt like I was the mom of all the wizards and I was so proud of them for their courage. I know that sounds like I am totally crazy! Oh well. I loved this movie and I'm so sad that it's the last!

(4 stars)
Every time I hear Gwenyth Paltrow sing I am blown away at her talent! Her voice is like butta! Such a beautiful story about passion, love, and music. It rekindled my love for country music(something I NEVER listen to anymore). I will say...the ending is sad so be prepared!

(no stars)
Yes, I can give a movie no stars...that's how dumb it was. Maybe I have changed since becoming a mom but the rude humor is not funny to me anymore! I was disgusted almost the entire movie. Talk about 2 hours of my life I will sadly never get back!

(3 stars)

I was impressed. The plot was so intriguing. I had no idea what was going to happen and where this movie was going but I was hooked. A great action film for sure!

(5 stars)

How could I not give a great rating for this movie? It was just so adorable! Believe it or not I took Remee to go see this and she watched about the first 10 minutes and then decided all she wanted to do was crawl up and down the stairs the whole time. I, at least, enjoyed the movie. I had a few good laughs and... I'll probably buy this when it comes out. Remee will love it, I'm sure, in like a year or so!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My baby essentials

I know quite a few people having their first baby and I can't help but think...'Yeah, all the onsies and blankets and burp clothes are definitely important but what about the things people don't tell you they can't live without?' Well, I am here to help you out a bit. Obviously what you might need may be different from what I needed but these will definitely help you in times of trouble!
The first time Remee got multiple shots I didn't even think to get anything to help with the pain. Hours after she got her shots she was still in so much pain that she wouldn't let me nurse her. I couldn't hold her, touch her, change her....nothing. She just was not feeling good. I remember calling my Visiting Teacher, crying, because I didn't know what to do to help Remee. She was an angel and came to my rescue with this, liquid gold. I gave Remee the dose, filled up the bathtub with warm water, and sat in the tub with her to nurse. It was pure relief from an unhappy baby and a worried mommy. It's the only thing that will calm her down after shots! (the dr. will tell you how much to give them depending on their weight)

Not sure I could live without this! Remee is the fussiest baby when she's teething and this saved us! It would help her finally fall asleep and settle after screaming and screaming and screaming!!

This saline spray works wonders on cleaning out all the junk that comes with a stuffy nose. I will say it's not so fun trying to hold your baby down to use this though. It's a two man job! But what a difference it makes...especially right before bed!

Along with the spray, this goes hand in hand to help relieve cold symptoms so the baby can sleep well. It smells nice, it's all natural, and babies loved to get their tummies rubbed. I give Remee a warm bath, clear out her nose, and then rub this on her chest. She's happy sleeping and I'm happy resting in silence!

I hope this helped some of you first time mommies or maybe some of you that need some advice for your older ones.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

So smart!

This video is just to prove how smart my child is. Kidding... it's just so cute I had to share it!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

By popular demand

At the request of family, I am putting a new video of Remee on this darn blog here! She still isn't walking but she's taken a few steps on her own. I think she's still too wobbly. Enjoy!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I have come to the realization that I'm going to be living in this house for a while. Maybe not by choice, because I would love to live somewhere that has fresh farmers markets year round, no snow, and a history and culture other than pioneers (no offense to the pioneers). But here I am knowing that this will be my home for years to come.
When we first bought this house and began fixing it up I thought decorating it would be simple. I didn't really want to paint the walls bright and vibrant, like I wanted, because we weren't going to live here long. Now that I've snapped into reality I've decided I want to change almost every room in our home. It doesn't feel like us. It's boring and bland and I want it bright and fun and sassy, like us (or I like to think we are like that). So I'm on a mission people. I'm going to be redecorating me home. Little by little, of course, cause it can get expensive. Soon, though, my home will finally feel like my home!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Spread the Word...

Movie Reviews...finally

I realize that this blog is neglected but deal with it. Here are a few of my movie reviews from the last month or so. We haven't been watching a lot of movies lately. We have a 1 year old, and she's more than enough entertainment!
(four stars)
Who doesn't like a good, dark movie about Harry Potter? I LOVE them. I'll admit, I have never read a book but the movies are amazing. We rented this one from Redbox and it skipped a ton, so I'm sure I missed a lot of good information but I still was hooked...well until I got fed up with the skipping and just went to bed. I'll probably be watching this one again before I see the very last movie!

(one star)

Sadly, this movie was a dud! I blame it on Winnona Rider...cause I think she's a hag! The only movies she was good in were Little Woman and Beetlejuice. Anyway, slow movie! Not really that funny, and lacked a plot! I was bored to tears.

(five stars)

Yes people this movie is a FIVE STAR MOVIE!!! I was laughing my butt off! Kristen Wiig is one of the funniest people alive. All I have to say is skip the first 5 minutes. It's a sex scene(no nudity) and the noises are disturbing. We took that time to use the ladies room. If I could wrap this movie up in 3 words they would be... hilarious, amazing, hilarious! You will die when you see the bridal shower scene, and the plane scene, and well every scene.

(three stars)

A wonderful feel good movie. I pretty much just love Rachel McAdams. I think she is so beautiful! It was fun to see kind of what goes on behind the scenes of shows like The Today Show and GMA. That, and Diane Keaton kept me laughing. She's a hoot.

(five stars)

Oh nothing beats a good movie with Shia LeBouf. I think he is adorable. Maybe that's because he reminds me of my little brother. Thank goodness they got rid of Megan Fox. She was a freakin slut and ruins every movie she's in, so good thing they got a cutter girl this time. I love a movie that gets you laughing, almost crying, and at the end of your seat. This movie topped them all. Shia Lebouf screaming like a girl will always make for a good movie.