Saturday, November 10, 2012

5 years!!!

5 years ago today I was waking up to get married.  Today I'm waking up to get my 2 year old fed and pulling a sweatshirt over my big baby belly.  My, how time flies.  I can't believe it has already been 5 wonderful years since Mike and I got married.  It has been such a blessing to have Mike in my life.  What a comfort it is knowing that you love someone just as much as they love you.  I can't wait to spend eternity with my man. 
Now to the real interesting stuff.  This picture was taken about a year before we got married.  Only a month after dating Mike and I took a road trip down to Cali to visit my sister and her family and then on to Disneyland and visiting my grandparents.  We had so much fun, and who knew it would start our yearly Disneyland tradition?  Look at our hair!!!  Times have changed!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The President Elect

Today was a sad day, but let us all keep in mind that whatever happened was meant to be.  Our prayers may have not been answered the way we wanted them to, but Heavenly Father has a plan.  It's our job now to prepare for the Last Days.  Pray for our President that he will make good decisions.  Love One Another!!!  God, bless these United States!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another yummy recipe

These Asian Sloppy Joes were a huge hit. 
So easy and so good!  The best part?  This comes with a recipe of what to do with the left overs.  In fact it has you set aside some of everything you make to make a whole new meal the next night.  Genius?  Oh yeah!!!  Use this recipe to make the sloppy joes and rice and make sure you follow the directions to save some for the "round 2 recipe".

Saturday, November 3, 2012

14 days of cooking!

I have started a challenge for myself. 
14 straight days of cooking dinner for our little family.  I know some of you are able to accomplish this with no sweat, but for me...I start out great and then get lazy and have Mike pick stuff up for dinner.  I have a right to be lazy, there's no doubt about that, but I also have a duty to feed my family a healthy meal.  So that's what I'm doing.  Not only are these meals home made and yummy, but they are all from my pinterest board.  I have almost 300 pins for food on pinterest and I think it's high time I start testing them out.  So everything I make will be new.  I can't wait to share some of the yummy recipes with you.  Here's what I made last night.  It was delish.  I paired it with a baked potato and some corn, and easy 15 minute meal!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I just could not get enough of my little Remee in her skeleton costume.  Yes, they are pajamas, but I thought to myself, why would I buy a costume this year when all she really cares about is the candy!  Maybe next year she can pick out her own costume...or maybe not.  Ha ha!  Anyway, I made shirts for Mike and myself and it completed our skeleton family.  We ventured over to G-ma and G-pa's house and went trick of treating with all the cousins.  Remee had a blast, and of course Mike and I got a kick out of watching Remee wait patiently for her treats after a darling "trick r freat"!  She even remembered to say thank you a few times.  Can't wait til next year!