Friday, September 30, 2011

Hurt feelings

I used to work for an orthodontist... Many years ago, and I have always had a special place in my heart for all of the people at that office I worked with. I am still friends with some of them today. Well, I recently found out that a few months ago a party was held in honor of my ex- boss' 20 years in ortho. Many people were contacted from those 20 years of whom he has worked with....but I wasn't. I have to admit, I didn't think it would bother me this badly that i wasn't even thought of. I worked there for almost 3 years and have sent many patients and workers their way and no thought? It got me to many people in my life have made a difference to me and I haven't thanked them or expressed their importance to me. So, to those of you who think that they have been forgotten or not been appreciated. I have your back!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Of course I realize that I have been absent for quite some time. Well, thanks to technology*sarcasm* I really haven't had a choice. Our computer got a virus...thanks PC... and now we are finally up and running again. With that we had a sick child, teething child, roach and ant issue, and a menstrual disorder. Before I go on I must warn some of you that read this blog and think to themselves 'this girl shares way to much'. For those of you out there... don't read on because I really am going to share too much. Really I am only doing it because I'm ranting a little, or a lot. I'm bugged and I must get it off my chest.
Some of you may think...menstrual disorder hmm that's strange. I thought the same thing... and then I laughed a bit because it's a funny way of explaining that you are completely messed up inside. Now let's back up a little. Mike and I have been trying for baby number 2 these past 3 months, and as exciting and fun as it should be... our situation is a little different. Thanks to hormonal imbalances, I have to go on a few medications to get pregnant for one and stay pregnant for two. So the meds began and after two months of trying and nothing happening I decided to give my body a break from drugs and let things run its course. Stupid me cause I think I have ruined myself forever. I started my cycle like normal...6 days of bleeding (again normal) and then 5 days later...MORE BLEEDING??? What the crap is going on? Well, at first I'll admit I cried my eyes out and called my friend (who's a nurse) concerned that I was going to die, cause I can't die right now... I mean who's going to take care of Remee, Raven and Mike? She assured me that it was normal... especially given the fact that I was coming off of fertility drugs. So I calmed myself and then... laughed at how dumb I was being. A few days pass and I'm still bleeding. So I called my Dr's office. I just love everyone who works there. They always make me feel better about my issues. The nurse told me that we needed to do a blood test to see what was going on with my hormones and then we could decide what to do. The next day I find out from the nurse that my hormones are low...duh as always... and that the Dr. wanted me to either wait it out and let me body fix it or I could go on some more meds to help stop the bleeding. I picked the later. I mean, at this point I was at 10 days of bleeding. So I started taking the pills and sure enough I stopped bleeding... for two days anyway. I am here to tell you that I am bleeding once again!!! I called the nurse today and, get this, she tells me ' Well I'm stumped...I'm going to talk with the Dr. And then call you tomorrow'. All I can say is I'm contemplating a hysterectomy after this whole ordeal. Cause I am so over this. I've been bleeding for almost 27 days straight... and I have decided for the next week I'll be eating nothing but red meat and spinach to get my iron level back up. Poor me... yeah really. Wahhh. I don't feel bad for myself. I am more pissed at my stupid Uterus.