Friday, April 15, 2011


The weather has finally gotten warmer(for now anyway) and I am dying to get my hands in the dirt. Our landscaping is one of the last things to be done because we saw no point in doing it earlier and then having the siding workers stomp all over it. Well, the siding is going up as I'm writing this and that means any day now I'll be kneeling over some dirt, flowers in my hands, digging holes, and soaking up some sun. Oh the joy and anticipation. As for now, I'm locked and loaded with weed killer; spraying all the devils before they seed. Also, I'm more than thrilled to start spring cleaning! Spring cleaning to me means deep cleaning! I'll be washing baseboards, vacuuming every crevice in my home, and getting out a toothbrush to scrub the rest! This year however things are different than the last with Remee here. She might be watching Sesame Street more than just once a day for a little while. It will only take me two days to get everything squared away and sparkling. I have new ideas for a few rooms in my house and I can't wait to share them with you all! Out to spray more weeds... and sadly shovel dog poo!

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