Sunday, January 31, 2010

A new year a new pocketbook

I have decided this year that I'm on a mission to save Mike and I money. So, I started with making our lunches but then realized it wasn't much help because we were eating out every night. Gosh, what a waist of money that is. So I sat down today at the computer thinking about... coupons! I am not much of a coupon person and I'll tell you why. I forget to bring them with me. I buy exactly what it was that I had the coupon for, but hate myself every time I get up to the check-out and realize they are all sitting on my kitchen counter. So, I am really going to make an effort this year to bring my coupons with me!
Today I registered online at and printed out a ton of coupons. Now if you are thinking about doing the same you must know this one simple rule. Every month they update their coupons, meaning that tonight all the coupons they had for January will be erased and new ones will come up for February, so hurry and print them out before the month is over. Also a friend told be about this really cool blog, It tells about all these really awesome coupons, deals, and free stuff! So check it out, and make a goal along with me to save money!!!

1 comment:

Leesa H said...

Good idea Allie! I have a little folder that I carry with me so if I see something on special I can check to see if I have a coupon for it! I probably save 5 dollars or so each time I shop.